BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-up) Level 6 (1 Year)

BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-up) Level 6 (1 Year)

The Level 6 top-up degree in Business and Management is an ideal choice for students seeking to deepen their understanding of contemporary business theory and practice. This program offers a platform for students to develop the core skills required for success in the business world. While doing the course, students will explore modules that introduce them to essential concepts in organizational strategy, leadership, and management.

Emphasizing practicality, the curriculum of the course integrates assessments and activities that replicate real-world scenarios. These include tasks like pitching, presenting, reporting, group management, and project leadership. Moreover, a dedicated module on New Trends in Management ensures students stay up to date with the latest advancements in the field.

The one-year course is structured to equip students with valuable skills and knowledge applicable across diverse sectors. After completing graduation, students will have an array of career opportunities accessible to them. These range from positions in both large and small organizations, within the private or public sectors, to even venturing into entrepreneurship and managing their own business.

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